Despite a “Capital Crime,” Dennis Rodman Didn’t Spend a Night in Jail With Carmen Electra Only Due to a 54 Year Old Lawyer: “I Went to the Police Station and It Took Some Talking..”
Published 09/12/2022, 5:30 PM EDT
By Bagavathi Eswaran
NBA legend Dennis Rodman was one of the most peculiar personalities in sports. He was an enigma who did things the way he wanted and did not care about what anyone else thought. Because of his displays on and off the court, he had a lot of fans around the world. Interestingly, he also had a few high-profile relationships during his prime. He was married to actress Carmen Electra for a brief period as well. The couple married in November 1998 but Rodman filed for annulment just 9 days later.
However, the couple reconciled. But things were far from smooth between the couple. The superstar actress then filed for divorce in 1999. And in the same year, the couple was arrested for fighting. In November 1999, Rodman and Electra stayed in their favorite penthouse suite in a hotel in Miami, Florida. The couple started arguing and someone informed the police.
Their lawyer at the time, Roy Black, said that the couple was arguing about something silly they saw on MTV. And he said that when people heard two celebrities yelling at each other, someone called the police and it escalated from there.
Dennis Rodman wanted Carmen Electra released at any cost
The police arrested both superstars and took them to jail. A friend of Rodman’s reached out to defense attorney Roy Black about the whole ordeal. The attorney said that they were both charged with “simple battery” which means getting in a fight. He continued it becomes like a “capital crime” when the adjective “domestic” is added before. And under Florida law, they could not be released on bail and had to appear before a judge.
Black said, “I went to the police station and took some talking but they let me in to speak to both Carmen and Dennis.” And he helped them get out and made sure they do not spend the night there. They were released on a $2500 bond each.
The attorney said that Electra was very upset and was crying. He added that her makeup was all over her face because of her tears. Black also said that he could see that the couple was in a close and loving relationship. He said that Rodman did not worry about himself and was even ready to spend a couple of days, but asked the attorney to help get Electra released.
The State Attorney’s office dropped the charges a few weeks later.